Saturday, September 23, 2023

National Building Museum Information Desk Upgrade

 The National Building Museum has recently undergone a multi-year improve- ment, and one of the most obvious changes is a new Information/Guest hub.  The room provides a place to ask for help replacing the former centrally located kiosk in the middle of the place.  There's a fountain there now.  

One wall is designed in a salon style painting format reminiscent of the Dutch cabinetry fad of the 17th century with alcoves filled with items of architectural interest.

Spying the cylindrical container of Lincoln Logs, I ask the young man at the receptionist desk how many visitors told him that they had one of those growing up?

He smiled and said, "More than I can count.  Every day."

I chuckled and added, "So, I'm not a special as I thought I was?"

He responded with a good-natured chuckle in return.

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