Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Brandywine Zoo, Part Four...the Future

The final focus of my recent visit to the Brandywine Zoo was to get a firsthand glimpse of their new Madagascar Habitat.  Replacing the former llama/southern rhea habitat and the adjacent goat petting yard, it is heralded as the first in a series of bold new initiatives along a trajectory of 21st century transformation.  Cordoned off from the open areas of the zoo, you can get little looks at it through viewing spaces in the fence. When completed in October, it will be home to three species of endangered Lemur and one species of endangered Tortoise, all who call Madagascar home.
From the top of the new Barnyard habitat with goats and chickens you get your best view from within the zoo.
Especially since one builders parked their mini-backhoe right in front of the viewing window in the chain-link fence.

However, when you leave the zoo and walk along the street that separates it from the creekside park, you can discover better views.

 I feel like I could have designed this myself with my long love of combining stone masonry with natural wood and metal roofs. 

A closer look at the design from the banner hung on the construction site fence.

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