Saturday, November 2, 2019


It's the time to remove the impatiens and begonias of summer from the planters and move in the pansies and violas of winter. 

I have recently begun to purchase roasted peanuts in the shell at a local market for snacking on.  In the back yard off of my deck I have a compost, and the empty shells end up deposited there.  Today, will digging in a planter on my front porch I unearthed this!  Apparently one of the peanuts must have gotten mixed up with the shells and landed on the compost.  A squirrel, so taken with the find that she didn't want ANY of her cousins to discover it, lugged it all the way around the house and planted it in what she thought was a fool proof locale.  In respect, after planting an ornamental cabbage, I returned the peanut to the soil.

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