Sunday, January 20, 2019

My Aquarium

Every since I was a little kid, I've dabbled in aquariums.  My mother made a hobby of it.  She raised Mollies, Platies, and Swordtails that she sold back to local fish stores.  I remember sitting in front of the 10 gallon tanks and just staring for the longest time.  She even attempted to raise Betas, but to no success.

Around 2005, I dusted off my 15 gallon tall tank and started up again.  Later I added a new 55 gallon horizontal tank.  My philosophy is to not fuss.  I use a filtration system, but also rely on live vegetation.  I do not use a heater--that's just absurd.  And one the water is cured, I do not use any chemicals when replenishing the evaporated water.  So much of what you are expected to do has become part of the Freshwater Industrial Aquarium Complex! (That's a joke, BTW).  But, for me, the proof is the pudding.  My aquariums thrive.

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