Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Philadelphia Zoo: View 8 of 9

The central eastern portion of the zoo has become home to the zoo's African Savannah animals.  This is a collection that has varied over the years.  Once it included both Addra and Addax gazelles--two species of endangered antelopes from the Sahel region of Africa.  This map indicates that where these animals once roamed, now Red River Hogs would be present.  On this day there was still one Addra Gazelle out there and no sign of Red River Hogs...

Additionally, there were/are Hippopotamus, Reticulated Giraffe, Southern White Rhinoceros and Burchell's Zebra.  I do not know why the Addax are no longer there or for that matter why the Addra Gazelle have been removed from the map, but I do believe that there is plenty of room in this part of the zoo for all three species and that the Addra and Addax are critically endangered and important to be part of an zoo's Ambassadorial mission.

 Hippos and sunbathing.  Two things that are as natural as air and water.
 Too cold still for water in the pool.

Addra Gazelle

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