Sunday, April 1, 2018

Metro Richmond Zoo: View 2 of 12

From the aviary I visited the Black-tailed Prairie Dogs briefly and then walked over the Reptile Building.  Next to it was a display of Meerkats that I spent some time at first and then enjoyed the small collection of reptiles and amphibians.  The building is less a build and more an enclosure as it's public spaces are all open to the outside.  I imagine in the dead of winter, the animals are removed from their displays and moved to someplace warmer or easier to keep warm.  It would be an up-grade in my mind to create a proper herpetarium to keep the animals more securely.
 This Meerkat exhibit was the closest thing that I encountered that looked like a contemporary zoo enclosure.  Notice how they use a glass partition to divide the males on the left from the females on the right.

 The Reptile Building, which also had a single room-sized display called the "nursery" with a couple young primates in it (a Squirrel Monkey and a Saimang).  I wondered why either animal had been taken from its mother since young primates including both of these species were visible throughout the zoo.  But there was no one around to ask.
 Solomon Island Spiny Monitor Lizards
 Mohave Desert Rattlesnake
Rhinoceros Iguana

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