Sunday, April 1, 2018

Metro Richmond Zoo: View 1 of 12

The Metro Richmond Zoo just outside of Richmond, Virginia is a good sized zoo in it's acreage (around 70).  It's also a relatively new zoo (founded in 1995).  As such it has little in the way of modern zoo trappings.  Most of the animals are kept in settings more live those of a farm.  And though there are some small exceptions, you won't find a great deal of faux rock formations.  There are a wide variety of Primates and one of the largest collections of hoof-stock in any zoo I've ever been to.  Because of the size of their enclosures they also tend to have larger herds of specific species, and in some cases more than one.  Like wise primate, and avian species may show up in more than one place within the zoo.

Upon arriving I more or less followed the trails around in loop starting with the Flamingoes and walk through Aviary.

Chilean Flamingo 

White Stork 
Paradise Shelduck 
Sacred Ibis

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