Sunday, May 12, 2024

President Biden's Impact on the Sixth Circuit Federal Judiciary

 The Sixth Circuit Stars in Michigan and moves south through Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.  When President Biden was elected in 2020 this meant by way of Senatorial seats Michigan (blue), Ohio (purple), Kentucky and Tennessee (red), with Tennessee a crazier shade of red thanks to Senator Blackburn.  As purple goes, Senator Portman of Ohio was a reasonable man.  The results have been no nominations for either Kentucky nor Tennessee and in Ohio with the replacement of Senator Portman with Senator Vance--crazy like a Blackburn, Ohio was off the table after 2023, too.  

The long and short of it, both in Gender parity and Racial/Ethnic diversity, the Sixth District has been a wash.  There were 26 female judges when President Biden took the oath of office and there will be 26 female judges when his first term ends.  Racial diversity has increased slightly, but at the cost of Racial diversity.  The 13 Black Judges have shrunk to 11, but now this 1 Hispanic Judge (Northern Ohio) and 1 East Asian Judge (Eastern Michigan).  

There is one open seats on the Appeals the Court that has yet to have a nominee presented.  The seat is in the Middle District in Nashville.  I have a favorite candidate, who lives in Memphis and so the question would be would she bifurcate her life or move her family to Nashville.  In any event, I hope they choose a qualified woman who is also Non-White.

The yellow represents South Asian

The orange represents Hispanic
The green Eastern Asian
The pink Middle Eastern

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