Monday, July 4, 2022

My Little Garden Zoo: 2022 ZONE 5) Europe

 Most actual zoos completely skip over hosting animals from Europe.  Fortunately, most figurine manufacturers are based in Europe!  It's interesting when looking at the scientific name of an animal to discover those whose species and genus are the same.  This is know as a tautonym. Previously we saw Gula gula (Wolverine), Bison bison (American Bison), and Alces alces (Moose).  This zone contains two more.

The European Animals in my collection that are NOT on display include: Eagle Owl, Atlantic Puffin, Chamois, Roe Dear, Hedgehogs, Wild Boar, Hermann's Tortoise, Griffon Vulture and Reindeer.  And still, there are 6 species on exhibition:

ALPINE IBEX, Capra ibex


IBERIAN LYNX, Lynx pardinus

MOUFLON, Ovis gmelini

RED DEER, Cervus elaphus

WHITE STORK, Ciconia ciconia

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