Sunday, July 11, 2021

Maryland Zoo: The Meadow Herpetarium

 After the Maryland Cave and the Giant Tree, there is the Meadow Herpetarium.  The habitat itself was originally home to groundhogs when it first opened in 1990.  Today the exposed hillside hosts a colony of Box Turtles.  A faux cave runs along the ridge along the backside and have three habitats that are home to 4 species.

I have counted as many as 9 Box Turtles in the Meadow habitat.  Inside the exhibit there are a pair of Bog Turtles.

The middle habitat is home to a pair of animals.  An American Toad and a Broad-headed Skink.

The third habitat looked empty, but a more careful assay of the premises reveals a little snake curled up among the flora.

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