Monday, October 5, 2020

The Training of Wild Animals, by Frank C. Bostock; 1903

 I am such a zoo nerd!  In researching the history of the Maryland Zoo, I ran across the character.  Frank C. Bostock ran a series of animal menageries that he referred to as "zoos".  One of them landed in Baltimore and many interesting and even tragic things befell it at the turn of the twentieth century.  At the same time the fortunes of the little Druid Hill Park Zoo, by then all of a quarter of century old took a little turn for the better, too.  It's easy to imagine how the spectacle of Bostock's extravaganza contributed to increased interesting in and support for the permanent zoo in the largest park in Charm City.

At one time early on in this little book's life is was owned by a man who lived in Washington, DC.  I purchased it from a seller in Seattle, Washington.  Seems like it's come full circle in what? 107 years!

"Wild Ass, Guagga, and Zebras"
For the record, the last living quagga died in a zoo in the Netherlands in 1883.  This creature?  Who knows.
"Captain Bonavita carring a Lion weighing five hundred pounds"

"Exchanging confidences"

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