Saturday, February 8, 2020

Artists and Makers: Atelier Complex Class of 2020 group Exhibition

Attended opening night last evening.
Artists and Makers is a collection of artists who inhabit a veritable catacomb of spaces connected by a labyrinth of narrow hallways and the occasional larger room where classes can be held, and where on this evening the opening reception complete with two tables of food was set-up.  If you'd never been here before, you might have been fooled into thinking that this was it, the entire show.  This was just appetizer.  through the the rest of the hallways and alcoves, the members of the show were given a wall or a niche in which to hang as many of their paintings as they could squeeze into the space.  And once you fill those narrow halls with people, well, it's quite a thing to experience.

I had invited my friend and colleague, Marion, to join me.  We both noted how many people seems to enjoy the food more than the art.  Marion is German.  This seemed particularly odd to her.

Bottom line for us, we were actually there to support a mutual friend who had participated in the extensive instruction and was now part of this culminating event.  Patti had taught at the same elementary school as we do for over two decades with us before retiring.  Now, she is devote the time and energy that she didn't have when teaching to her own art.

Patti's Paintings

Selected Other Works on Display by other artists.

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