Saturday, December 29, 2018

Virginia Zoo: A Mild WIndy Eventually Rainy Day Adventure: Introduction

You know I have a thing for zoos, right?  I've shared plenty before.  Besides being members of both the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore and the Philadelphia Zoo in Pennsylvania, I am also a member of the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) mostly to demonstrate my support for their Best Practices accreditation of member institutions and their extensive Species Survival Programs that have become an essential component of 21st Century Zoological institutions.  This malady of mine has no known cure.  From time to time it compels me to take on a road trip adventure to satisfy it's cravings.

The itch began about a week ago and I started to contemplate my options along with the regional weather forecasts.  Clearly the best day temperature wise was going to be yesterday, December 28th, but it was also a day that seemed to promise rain in droves from New York to North Carolina!  As the date approached the weather prognostications grew more nuanced and a plan was hatched.  The winner was the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk.  It's on the outer limits of my day trip options.  199 miles (thank you, Google Maps) from door to gate, it is also a fucking slog on one of the most ridiculous highway segments in the United States.
Leaving early to arrive at opening, the trip is about 3.5 hours on I-395 from DC to where it connects to I-95 south down to Richmond, Va where you transfer to I-64 east to Norfolk.  But the trip home takes upwards of 5 hours!  That's just how much I cherish visiting a beautiful zoo.

My arrival was without incident, (I even bought gas for $1.79 a gallon!) and the rain was kind enough to hold off for a couple of hours with temps around 70 F.  Given the pending rain, I did plan my tour to accommodate the Asian and African zones first, saving the new Herpetarium for last.  The plan worked like a charm.  And the visit was restorative indeed.  Posts with images to follow.

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