Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas Haul

I have everything I need.  I have most of the things I want, and those I don't have, I certainly don't need!  So the Holidays for me are really more about giving in that I fucking enjoy creating stuff and sending friends tokens of my appreciation.  Yet, there are some who will surprise me with reciprocal or even just out of the blue "objets d'amitié". And I do appreciate them in the same spirit that trust those I send are appreciated.

Just look! Lovely, colorful swamp shot plates from Caribbean nations, a book I already own (goes to show you just how well I am apprehended by my friends), a Star Wars T-shirt, a calendar with Firemen and Puppies! (two great tastes that go great together, right? Hey! You just got puppy on my Fireman...) and some doggie treats for dear Romeo. How totally perfect. Trusting your holidays were as bountiful.

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