Sunday, February 16, 2025

Arena Stage: "The Bedwetter: A New Musical By Sarah Silverman"

What would you think an autobiographical musical by comedian Sarah Silverman would be like?  Irreverent?  Bawdy?  Blue?  Unique?  How about Nostalgic?  How about Charming?  Would you go for Endearing?  Courageous?  Have I left out Funny?  Because Yes.  Yes to all of those things squeezed together and smooshed into just over an hour and half!  

The plot is made up of the key moments from her 10th year, the year her parents divorced and she and her older sister started at a new school, the only Jews in a WASPy suburb somewhere in New Hampshire.  Besides her sister we meet her mother, father and paternal grandmother, each of whom carries enough baggage to easily sink her adolescent lifeboat; her mother's bedridden anxiety, her father's epic philandering and compulsive adultery, her grandmother's chronic alcoholism.  The boat remains afloat because Sarah's indomitable character uses all the simmering sadness to fuel her quirky resilience.  In one number she turns a group of girls at her new school into her pose by performing celebrity impressions.  Impressions of their farts!  Her own Achilles' Tendon is her nocturnal urination.   At one point during a sleepover she is tenuously close to being found out, when suddenly the news of John Lennon's assassination save the day!  But eventually, her new friends discover the truth and she is cast into a deep depression where drugs flow in her direction and suddenly she's dreaming of dancing Xanax and joining in performing a frenetic Rockette's inspired dance line.  Her mother's obsession with TV and her fathers ubiquitous presence on it featured in adds for his discount clothing store weave a how of personalities in and out the events from Phil Donahue to Johnny Carson, and in particular Miss New Hampshire.  It's in one of these surrealistic moments that Sarah discovers a truth about the beauty pageant runner-up that transforms her life and restores her equilibrium.

This is not "The Bedwetter's" first time at the Rodeo.  Originally produced Off-Broadway, the reception was tepid.  And eerily like the main character herself, Sarah picked the show up, got an additional lyricist & composer and set to work tightening, clarifying, adding in a couple of new numbers, taking on at least one current Broadway A-lister, Shoshana Bean to play her mother.  From the start, you are captivated by the young actor playing Sarah, Aria Kane, who explodes with energy and charm and quirkiness.  With a total cast of eleven, and the rapid-fire nature of the scene changes there is a flow to the production that makes no room for error.  Everyone was on cue, and everyone, in one way or another, had a "their moment" in the show, too.  A nod to the generosity of the creator.   If profanity's not your thing, then don't go.  If, however, you enjoy little shows about big ideas with a generous heart--go.  It may never make it to Broadway, but I promise it will create a spot in your heart.  
Sarah (Aria Kane) with her new teacher Mrs. Dembo (Alysha Umphress)

Her older sister, Laura (Avery Harris) and mother Beth Ann (Shoshana Bean)

Sarah with father, Donald (Darren Goldstein)

And her Nana (Liz Larsen)

Shoshana Bean performing perhaps the most poignant number in the show "You Can't Fix Her."

Sarah on the phone at her friend's sleep-over.  L-R (Emerson Holt Lacayo, Elin Joy Seiler, and Alina Santos)

Miss New Hampshire (Ashley Blanchet)

Fever Dream

 After a week under the influence of "A Flu-like Virus".

Saturday, February 8, 2025

1st Stage: The Lake Effect

"The Lake Effect" is the latest offering from 1st Stage over in Tyson's, Virginia.  1st Stage is a small and intimate theatre company that produces high quality works that sometimes even surprise.  I like it because there general two or three plays that are recent creations that I've never heard of before, and so it keeps me up on what's new out there.  

"The Lake Effect" is a play written by Rajiv Joseph in 2013.  He is best known for this Pulitzer short-listed play "Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo".  The story is centered in Cleveland, OH where he grew up and feature a trio of actors, estranged brother and sister Vijay and Priya who have returned home at the death of their father, and an odd customer, an African American man, Bernard, who over the course of a single year knows about their father than either of his children.  Bernard's involvement in the family was predicated on a bizarre incident involving their father who has left him all of his estate and worldly possessions in his will.  There are clever plot twists and moments of genuine humor tossed in amongst the anger, sorrow and resentments that arise in the characters of the siblings.  The acting was uneven, which left the climax flat; however, the work of Jonathan del Palmer as Bernard was still quite compelling and carried the play at times when the energy of the other actors was wanting or inconsistent.  

The set was lovely, shout out to Kathryn Kawecki.

The production was slated to start at 2:00 PM, and at 2 the house manager stepped out to announce a 30 minute technical delay and free wine and Doritos as the consolation prize.  The only technical thing that I could imagine was that one of the actors was running late.  The mostly Social Security crowd seemed quite and away pleased with the snacks and booze, and the air around me took on a decidedly tangy-yeasty tinge. I finished the NYTimes crossword on my phone.  

Shaan Sharma as Vijay

Surasree Das as Priya

Jonathan del Palmer as Bernard

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Dinner: a "Chunky Veg" Bolognese over Rotini


A Blast from the Past: Original Art

 Images from a trip to the National Arboretum that I took with my beloved dog, Romeo (2011 - 2023).  Today I received the gift of a painting made from one of these images by my friend, Barbara--who is an artist.

What joy!

"Blessed Romeo"

Barbara's Painting

Lunch: "Big Mac" Taco!

The only thing missing was the dill pickle slices (I was out!)
Super easy to make, definitely on my repertoire list! 


Winter My Little Zoo Garden...


North American River Otters

Rocky Mountain Goats

Timber Wolves

Random Quote: Will Rogers


Monday, January 6, 2025

Apple Up-side-down Cake!


St. Louis Art Museum: Ancient Egypt

 The final visit at the St. Louis Art Museum was to an oddly placed Gallery. it was accessed from the elevator foyer on the second floor.  You have to cross an open corridor with a balcony view of the Central Hall of the original building.  On the other side you arrive at a dimly lit ante-room with text describing the museum's Egyptian collection.  Then you go through a doorway that reveals a narrow and long Gallery in which you can see artifacts from their Egyptian collection.

There are plenty of statuary, two sarcophagi with mummies, pottery and bowls, and some bas-relief sculptures.  The whole experience is dark (the Galleries are painted a deep midnight/navy blue) and just such an odd one off.  I'm not a great devotee of Egyptian antiquity, and so I have to also say it was just the right size to sate my curiosity!

"Hippopotamus," 1783 - 1640 BCE
Egyptian - Middle Kingdom - Dynasty 13

"Mummy and Coffin of Henut-wejebu," 1390 - 1352 BCE
Egyptian - Thebes, New Kingdom - Dynasty 18

"Mummy and Coffin of Henut-wejebu," DETAIL

"Jar," 3500 - 2890 BCE
Gerzean (Naqada II) - Early Dynasty Period - Dynasty 1

"Fragment with Head of a Nubian Prisoner," 1550 - 1295 BCE
Egyptian - New Kingdom - Dynasty 18

"Butchery Scenes," 680 - 650 BCE
Egyptian - from the Tomb of Mentuemhat, Thebes - late Dynasty 25 -early Dynasty 26

"Butchery Scenes," DETAIL

central image: "Portrait of a Woman," 2nd century
Egyptian - Roman Period

"Mummy and Cartonnage of Amen-nestrany-nakht," 945 - 715 BCE
Egyptian - Third intermediate Period - Dynasty 22

"Funerary Stele of Thutmose," 1323 - 1295 BCE
Egyptian - New Kingdom - Dynasty 18

Three "Shabti," 664 - 332 BCE
Egyptian - late period Dynasty 26