Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 I made a batch of basic peanut butter cookie dough with organic crunchy peanut butter.  I rolled the balls into organic Cane Sugar, pressed them out, and tucked a Dark Chocolate Nonperials.  I'm calling them Black-eyed Susans!

Mourning Dove on its Own

For the past couple of years, a pair of mourning doves has spent the summer in my backyard.  This year I noticed just one.  Here on a rainy day.  Below a couple of days later on the bird bath, still by itself.

Pansies, Violas--and Wild Violets, Oh My!

 I buy pansies and violas for spring, then the wild violets show up!  And in my container, too!  They are prolific and delightful.

Maryland Zoo: Watrhogs!

The Maryland Zoo is home to a companion pair of Common Warthogs.  Both were born in the spring of 2015.  KeeWee was barn at the Maryland Zoo, and Hodor was born at the Detroit Zoo and transferred to the Maryland Zoo in September of 2017.  
It was a rainy day, and KeeWee knows how to keep dry in her tree-stump den.



A Steak and Egg sandwich with fresh Mozzarella, Tomato, Spinach and Mayo on toasted Artisan white bread.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

First Blooms of Spring

Perennial Wildflowers are returning.
Celadine Poppy
May Apple
Virginia Bluebells


Pansies and Violas

 I think my favorite flowers are Pansies and Violas.  They are so colorful.  They last forever!  They survive the Mid-Atlantic winter to resurrect for a second life in the spring.  

I know Pansy is a word used to insult an effeminate and presumed to be "gay" boy.  But really?  Nature throws in all at pansies and they persevere and are fabulous!  Insult?  More like badge of honor.