Sunday, August 20, 2023

Wilmington, Delaware: Jasper Crane Rose Garden

 The final stop in the Brandywine Park of Wilmington, Delaware is the Jasper Crane Rose Garden.  Established in 1933 a year after the completion of the nearby Josephine Fountain, it is named after Jasper E. Crane who was an executive with DuPont Chemical Company.  Mr. Crane made an initial donation of 670 rose bushes representing some 58 varieties.  At it's peak there were over 1,000 bushes from over 100 varieties.  Like many things, the garden went into decline.  In the 1990's, the process of restoring it and refurbishing its collection began.  Today, there are over 500 bushes recreating the splendor of it's glory days.  Honestly, I don't even know how you could reasonably plant 1,000 rose bushes in the space provided.  When I first arrived members of a dedicated group of volunteers was pruning and removing fallen petals.  I waited to visit until the end of my stay in the park so they would have time to complete their work.

The Park is bisected by I-95 the preeminent east coast interstate highway.  Fortunately, it is high above, a pity the travelers have no idea what beauty lies below in its shadow.

A bronze plaque at the entrance

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