Monday, January 30, 2023

Second Circuit Federal Courts 2023

 The Second Circuit has six Districts covering three states: Vermont, New York, and Connecticut.  Arguably the most famous of all Districts is the District of Southern New York which serves the heart of New York City (New York and Manhattan Counties), and 6 northern adjacent counties.  It has 28 judges and one of the lowest ratios of judge to citizenry in the entire system.  Among that states, only Wyoming has a smaller ratio.  Why Federal criminal activity in Wyoming is greater than that of New York City is a mystery.
The Second Federal Circuit hosts 63 District seats and 13 Appellate seats.  By and large like the first circuit, the majority of seats are occupied by judges appointed by Democratic President.

The Second Circuit is also majority female justice with 59% women over men.  This is entirely the result of President Biden's aggressive nomination of women.  For over 30 years, the District of Eastern New York has been a majority Female Judge District.  

Racially the number of White and Black judges are in parity with the population, while the Asian and Hispanic judges are roughly reversed.

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