Thursday, June 27, 2019

Maryland Zoo: Stubby Is Back!

The Maryland Zoo is home to a 26-year-old, male Southern White Rhinoceros named Stubby.  Since mid-winter, Stubby has been off-exhibit.  Now, he's back, and has a new red clay wallow of which he is taking full advantage.  Not every day you get to see an orange White Rhinoceros!
Stubby shares his habitat with three female Burchell's Zebra and three  Common Ostriches.  The ladies all give him a respectful deference and distance.  Well, all but one.  For some reason known only to her, Betrix, the Common Ostrich is taken with Stubby.  She will from time to time dance for him as if her were a male, who's attention she was seeking in an amorous manner.  It's fun to watch.  Stubby, for his part, tolerates the attention without retaliation.

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