Thursday, June 27, 2019

Audrey & Tai

 I have a lot of plants, but only two with names. 

Audrey is my Tree Philodendron and she's been with me for well over 30 years.  Every autumn, she comes inside, every spring back out.  It takes her a little while to recover upon entry back into the direct sunlight.  This year she's once again doing fine.

 Tai is a Variegated Rubber Tree.  He's like the junior senator with a tenure of just over 20 years.  He comes out and joins with a cluster of other plants on the back stoop.  Intermingling with them every year, he seems to be very content.  Like a meeting of old friends.  And this year, he's casting our a set of new branches!  It's a joyous thing.

The lower set of leaves forming at the newest of the new branches.

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