Saturday, May 18, 2019

A Day in the Diet of ME!

During teacher appreciation week, our PTA provided the obligatory luncheon for the staff.  Standing in line surveying the variety of salads--that was the theme--, I said, "Mmmm, I love cucumbers." 

A colleague standing next to me asked, "Are you on a diet?"

I replied, "Oh, Hun, I'm on a 'live-it'!"

There is so much to unpack in that one question, right?  First, I was grateful for the incredulous tone in her voice.  But, seriously, why do people assume that if you like to eat salads, you must be on some regime of food deprivation, a.k.a, a salad? 

It's a fact, and a shame, that most people live as though food is an inconvenient necessity.  They jump at the chance to eat when someone else is providing the fare.  They skip meals because they don't have time.  They eat fast food, because it's easy--and tasty in all the horrible and limited ways fat and salt and processed sugars are.  Trust me, I know of what I speak--I was there once.

Now, food is the first priority in my life.  I shop conscientiously.  I avoid processed food like the toxic pablum that it is as much as I can.  The only store bought concoctions you will find in my fridge/pantry are salad dressings, and mayonnaise, ketsup, mustard, and bbq sauces--but even there, I avoid any with ingredients like High Fructose Corn Syrup, Monosodium Glutamate, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Benzoate, and both Canola and Soybean oils.  When you begin, it takes a little effort, but once you find the right ones, it's just like shopping for the things you like.

I found New York Times Food Editor Emeritus, Mark Bittman's response to a request for his #1 piece of advice when choosing what to eat; "Eat things without ingredient labels".  Brilliant.

A typical day in the gastronomic live-it that is my life.

BREAKFAST: Omelet with diced naturally cured Ham and organic Muenster Cheese, homemade Salsa Verde, and fresh fruit: Cantaloupe, Strawberries and Blueberries.
LUNCH: Salad made with Iceberg Lettuce, Alfalfa Sprouts, Red and Green Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, leftover steamed Broccoli and topped with home-canned Jalapeno Peppers for a little zing!
DINNER: BBQ'd Country Cut Pork and freshly steamed Broccoli and an Italian Vinaigrette for dipping.  Simple and delicious!

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