Sunday, January 27, 2019

Zuni Fetishes

As my friend Louie often says, "What Joy!"  Came home this past Tuesday to no mail...  I dunno, the kid in me still looks forward to getting mail every day.  Then when I left for work on Wednesday morning, I opened the door to discover mail!  It included a little box.  I scooped it up and took it to work.  When I had a moment I went through it.  The package was from my friend and poet Nikky.

Although we've never met in person, over the years we've taken to sending one another little notes of encouragement and tokens of friendship.  She is an amazing poet--a fierce voice.

I opened the little box and inside was such a lovely little note and two black velvet bags.  When I opened them, out tumble two Zuni Pueblo Native American bear fetishes!  Carved by the artist Delvin Leeyka. I was stunned by their beauty and the generosity of this gift.  I know she has no idea when my birthday is, but she came pretty darn close to nailing it.

When joy I wake each morning to see them standing watch over me from my nightstand.  Good omens of friendship, purveyors of light and insight, protectors from dark angels.

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