Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sunbathing Squirrel

 Squirrels have personalities.  Most of them have AD/HD and a few I've known seem to have OCD!  But not this one.  This one has just come to my attention this year.  The first time I noticed her was when I was in my bedroom on the second floor of my home rushing around to get to the theatre.  It was a sunny work February day, and as an inspiration as I was turning to head down stairs, I thought to put a houseplant on the windowsill next to my bed to give it some direct sunlight.  That's when I saw her stretched out on the warm outer brick ledge of the window grooming at first, then quickly switching to a full on nap.  Two-floors up and me grateful for no Hawks in sight--they do visit the neighborhood.

I've seen her since methodically snooping around, looking for morsels.  The other day she spent a good hour in my Japanese Maple nibbling on the sweet little seed buds.  Then yesterday morning I caught her napping again.  This time on the railing of my deck.  

Mostly I disdain squirrels.  They just create so much havoc in the world.  But this one?  She's captured my curiosity...and I wonder, can my heart be far behind?

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