Saturday, March 2, 2024

First Daffodils

 I have a little circle garden in the front of my home around a pedestal bird bath fountain.  Some years ago after a couple of seasons of disappointing turn-out by the daffodils planted there, I did a deep dig and removed all of the bulbs.  In their place, I planted ferns. 

As a result, I know have both ferns and daffodils!!

It seems that removing daffodils is not an easy or certain thing.  Even parts of bulbs left in the ground can develop into full bulbs and over time bear flowers.  They can spread in some mystical fashion that utterly eludes me.

These two opened on a day that went from near 70 to one that barely made 40 after a frigid night with gale force winds.  And this full day was crowned with cold, at times, hard rains!  And yet--here they are!

And nearby are a batch of mini-daffodils, survivors from the same culling.

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