Saturday, February 24, 2024

Olney Theatre: "Lend Me A Soprano"

 What is there not to love about an over-the-top farce full of crossed lovers, mistaken identity and Bizet's Carmen?  When the ensemble is this committed and amazing?  Absolutely nothing!  What Joy was had at Olney Theatre's current production, and gender-reversed redo of his 1980's smash hit "Lend Me A Tenor" titled, rather obviously, "Lend Me A Soprano."  First performed at the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas back in 2022, what a brilliant choice for a mid-season comedy.  

The moment I entered the theatre to the spectacle that is Andrew R. Cohen's magnificent sets I thought--this is a set that won't be easy to live up to!  However, when you have such a fabulous ensemble of fearless actors, a lesser set would have been unable to contain them.  

Within the ensemble was a lovely mix of familiar faces and new talent.  Certainly #1 on the list of amazing familiar faces was Maboud Ebrahimzadeh.  The man is new and fresh in everything I see him in be it Shakespeare or some lame new work that was, save his presence, abysmal.  Here as the star-struck Jerry Wiley who pines away for a fantasy love while his true love is dancing her heart out all around him.  Other wonderful recognized players included Dylan Arredondo as Pasquale, and Donna Migliaccio and Julia.  Donna brings a presence to every roll that just feels like it was written with her in mind.  And Dylan is the very essence of fearless.  He grabs the bull by the horns and rides through the China Shop with abandon.

Of the new to me side of the ensemble, two actors stood out.  Tina Stafford as Mrs. Wiley was a whirling dervish of delights taking her character from a faux socialite to a conniving mud-wrestler all in the service of her ego--it was delicious.  But the super glue at the center of it all was Rachel Felstein as Jo.  Everything about her performance from her commit timing and physical slapstick to her operatic vocals was A-#1!  At one point the idea of a young Carol Burnett came to mind, such was the genius of her performance.

I cannot recommend this one enough!  On stage through March 10th--you DMV-er's have time to put this one in your "win" column.

The worrisome-ly late Italian Diva arrives with husband in tow to the relief and celebration of her host.  [L-R: Mrs. Wiley (Tina Stafford) the general manager of the Cleveland Grand Opera and her assistant, Jo (Rachel Felstein), Pasquale (Dylan Arredando) and the celebrated Italian Diva, Elena Firenzi (Carolann M. Sanita)

Elena and Pasquale engage in a passionate argument over Elena's infidelities with Mrs. Whiley and Jo trapped in the middle.

Elena and Jo share a moment of bonding over their passion for opera.

Rachel Felstein as Jo.

Elena and her Dutch "Carmen" Co-Star, Leo (Tom Patterson), on the cusp of one of those legendary infidelities.

L-R: Beverly, the Bellhop (Natalya Lynette Rathnam), Julia (Donna Migliaccio), Mrs. Wiley (Tina Stafford), Jerry Wiley (Maboud Ebrahimzadeh) and Jo (Rachel Felstein) impersonating Elena Firenzi.

Mischief afoot as the plot thickens!

Tina Stafford and Rachel Felstein

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