Saturday, February 3, 2024

2024: Federal Judiciary in January

 The fourth year of any presidency, even a first term presidency, is a time of looking hard at one's legacy.  It is safe to say that President Biden will go down as one of the most successful presidencies to date.  Like Jimmy Carter who was much maligned and written off at the end of his presidency in 1980, only to rise in esteem over the intervening quarter century, I predict that time will be on Biden's side.  Unlike Carter, Biden's abiding success will be be built more on his policy and legislative victories, than his human decency--even though the latter is not in question in this man's mind.

Chief among his accomplishments will be the economic investment in the obsolete infrastructure of the United States, the normalization of tax policy that transformed the welfare of millions of children, and the "Americanization" of the Federal Judiciary--aligning it's composition to better reflect that of overall gender, race, ethnic and sexual orientation demographics of the citizens of this nation.

by the end of 2023, Biden had nominated and the Senate had confirmed 39 Judges to the 13 Article III Appellate Courts, and 126 Judges to the 100 Article III Districts and 4 Territorial Courts.

Of these 165 Judges:

  • 108 are women (MORE than any other President has ever nominated)
  • 52 are African American (MORE than any other President has ever nominated)
  • 33 are Hispanic (MORE than any other President has ever nominated)
  • 24 are Asian (MORE than any other President has ever nominated)
  • 3 are Native American (MORE than any other President has ever nominated)
  • 9 are LGBTQ+ (Just two shy of Obama in 8 years)

Eight more Judges were confirmed in January of 2024, adding to the number of women by 4, White by 5 and African American by 3. 

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