Monday, January 22, 2024

Lego City Natural History Museum: Second Floor Grand Gallery

With the under frame in place, it's time to create the lattice upon with the second floor grand gallery will sit.  To do this, I use flat plates because they can create cross-tension that distribute the stresses.  The facing is white that will be seen, while I used light gray bricks for the hidden sections.
From the underside, you can see how the flat plates allow me to fit the nuances of the frame's levels which enhance the structural integrity without the need to use any peg bricks.
You can see it even better in this close up.
Snug as a bug in a rug!
Fits perfectly against the lower stairway plate.
Quite trip to the flat plate bin to obtain the initial flooring

A view of the stairs and rising baby Brachiosaurus exhibit look good!

Bird's Eye View--Love the proportions!  

More to come...


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