Saturday, October 8, 2022

Baltimore Museum of Art: Elle Perez Exhibition

Rather than try to do this art justice with just my own words, allow me to use the words from the BMA website, as well.

Elle Perez is a Brooklyn based artist who was born in 1989.  She uses the medium of photography to elevate the mean of intimacy, vulnerability, and the communion between these that all people share.  From the BMA website:

The exhibit includes "13 photographs created between 2019 and 2021.  "Devotion: explores relationship building, creating space to reflect on how we navigate ourselves in relation to others and the world.  Perez's carefully sequenced images dwell in moments of grief and care, pain and pleasure, desire and self-exploration.  Amidst recurring motifs of water, touch, and BDSM are also striking choices in proximity, scale, color and light."

You can find the works in the John Waters Foyer and adjoining galleries on either side.  The images are monumental in size, and atypical choice for most photographs.  And yet, they couldn't be presented any other way.  
"t" 2019

"Hold," 2020

"Ash," 2020

The curiosity of the title was not lost on me.

In the premiere placement in both of the side galleries were these images of a diptych.  
"Tomashi and Ally II," 2021

"Tomashi and Ally I," 2021

"animal," 2019

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