Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Eleventh Circuit of the Federal Courts: Demographics--part 2

 The most telling demographics are those of gender and race/ethnicity.  Whenever anyone is called before a Federal Court, they ought to have a fair chance of standing before a Judge who looks like them.  To that end 51% of all Federal Judges ought to be women.  Further more the Racial/Ethnic backgrounds of the Judges ought to reflect the demographics of the state, if not the district.

Here is what the Eleventh District looks like vis a vis these two data sets.

At a glance, you can see the White Judges make up the vast majority and men outnumber women.  The current gender ratio is 7 to 4 in favor of men.

Now lets compare the "real"--what is--with the "ideal"--what I believe should be and should be the goal.

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