Monday, December 27, 2021

First Circuit Federal Courts--Demographics

Let's look at the smallest geographically based circuit of all. The humble First Circuit.

Composed of most of the New England states and Puerto Rico, it's the only circuit where all of the Districts are complete states/territories.  From top to bottom the Districts are: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Puerto Rico.  Having seen my previous offerings, I will present this one without additional commentary and allow the graphics to speak for themselves.

Well, one additional comment.  With gender parity impossible in Districts with odd numbers of justices, I have (and do) trade off between districts in order to achieve gender parity at the Circuit level.  In this circuit, with the openings that currently present themselves to be filled, it is possible to make history and achieve that for the first time every on the Circuit level in the history of this nation.  I sure hope that whomever is in charge of vetting candidates is also aware of this in the Biden Administration.  It's a milestone centuries overdue.

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