Sunday, May 30, 2021

Brandywine Zoo: The New Lemur Habitat

 After much anticipation and watching it take shape, I finally got to see the new Lemur Habitat and some of it's residents.  The first of many wonderful changes to come to this historic little zoo on the Brandywine River in the heart of Wilmington, Delaware.

The structure is designed with animal holding on the lower lever.  The habitat is home to 5 species:  Ring-tailed Lemurs, Black and White Ruffed Lemurs, Crowned Lemurs, Helmeted Guinea Fowl, and Radiated Tortoises.  The upper floor of the structure is a large pavilion with a magnificent glass window for viewing the animals.  On this chilly and drizzly day, the Guinea Fowl were out as was one of the Crowned Lemurs.  They were joined later by the four Ring-tailed Lemurs.
CROWNED LEMUR, Eulemur coronatus

HELMETED GUINEA FOWL, Numida meleagris


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