Friday, October 9, 2020

Celebrating the Helen Hayes Awards: 1st Stage Theatre: The Brothers Size

 The thing I am missing most in the new normal of Covid-19 is live theatre.  So many shows cut short last Spring and no timeline for a return.  It's killing me on two levels: 1) my own personal enjoyment, and 2) the lives of all of those artists who make the magic happen.  

In Washington, DC, there is an annual awards ceremony for the large and diverse Theatre Community named for Helen Hayes--that quintessential star of the American stage who called DC home.  The awards are given in two categories.  There are Helens for non-equity productions, and the Hayes are offered to equity member dominant productions.  The awards reminded me of the many winning productions that I had attended before the shut down.

The Brothers Size at 1st Stage in Tyson's Corners, Virginia was a pleasant and profound surprise.  I am so glad that it was recognized for the stellar production that it was.

Jose Carrasquillo
Best Director in the Hayes category 
William K. D'Eugenio
Best Lighting Design in the Hayes category
Gary Kayi-Fletcher
Leader Performer in a Play in the Hayes Category

"The Brothers Size"
Outstanding Production in a Play in the Hayes Category

A huge thank you to all for a night of amazing theatre and recognition well deserved!

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