Friday, August 21, 2020

Maryland Zoo: Sitatunga

If you don't know what a Sitatunga is, you are certainly not alone!  The are an arboreal antelope native to the wetlands of central Africa.  A common moniker for this beautiful species is Marshbuck.  They are one of the keystone species at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore where we have a successful breeding program in place in conjunction with other AZA zoos like Merker Park Zoo in Evansville, Indiana.  Their main habitat at the Maryland Zoo features lots of thick, tall grass which they love to eat and also hid out in.  Currently, we have around 12 animals, with 9 females.  The males our horned and wear a burnt umber coat that is shaggier than the females who sport a lovely Roan fur. 

Because they're horns are spiraled, they are part of a group of antelopes under the Genus: Tragelaphus.  There are nine species in this group that also includes Elands (Giant & Common), Kudus (Greater & Lesser), Bongos, Nyalas (Lowlands & Mountain), Cape Bushbucks and Sitatunga.  Another member of the Tragelaphus genus can also be found at the Maryland Zoo: the Lesser Kudu.

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