Monday, May 25, 2020

Egg Salad Sandwich a la Neue Galerie New York, New York

When it comes to egg salad the simpler the better, or so I thought.  And actually what I learned now some 30 years ago the cafe in the Neue Galerie in New York City is complicated, just different.

I had gone there shortly after it had opened.  The art museum features works by German and Austrian artists.  There where some lovely Gustav Klimt, Franz Kline and Oskar Kockoschka were on display.  I think they even had at one by Egon Scheile, though my memory may be confused.  The museum had only recently opened and both it and its little cafe were getting lots of positive attention.  Naturally, I had lunch there. 

I looked at all the great Teutonic offerings and oddly settled on an Egg Salad sandwich.  When do you go to an upscale cage and find egg salad on the menu?  What I got was a revelation in the art of egg salad.  Served on pumpernickel bread, the bottom slice was buttered.  Then a layer of sliced of kosher dill pickle, followed by the creamiest, smooth egg salad I'd ever had.  It was marvelous.  I've developed my own recipe over the years that mimics what I had there pretty darned close--close enough for ein Eirsalat-Sandwich!

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