Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

To my Christian friends, Merry Christmas.  I am an Atheist who still loves all the secular joy the season brings--probably a lot like most of the people sitting in the pews next to you!   I hope your day is as filled with decadence and generosity as mine and Romeo's
We start with a sumptuous breaky.  Bacon, Eggs sunny side up, a little French Baguette, and fruit: Pears as sweet as Muscatel and Grapefruit for the contrast.  Hazelnut flavored Coffee and lots of Water!  Always lots of water.

Romeo waits as usual on the threshold of our little sun room.  His hopes won't be dashed this fine morning.  I declare, I do believe he likes the pears as much as the eggs and bacon!

Then on to presents, and Oh MY~ What a haul!  Santa has once again been good to us.  Make no bones about it, Romeo knows the bone is his.  He's been to this particular "rodeo" before, and when I withdrawal crisps made with love from sweet potatoes, his nose for the treat has been confirmed once again!  What wonderful friends we have.

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