Sunday, July 21, 2019

MDZiB Fantasy Master Plan: Section 1 "Entrance-Parking-Events", part 2

The next part is also a parking lot.  At the zoo, it's generally used to 1) field trip busses, and 2) overflow on busy days.  My upgrades are really more about defining it so that buses can park easily, as well as, created obvious spaces for chaperone cars.  As an educational resource for Maryland's public schools, the Maryland Zoo is actually obligated by the state to provide access and support, as part of it's in kind response to the state's financial commitment to its general operating budget.  That being a given, why not create a first class experience?

I propose the addition of a small food services operation with an patio and well maintained restrooms for the bus drivers who bring the students and then generally just wait around for them to return.  Arrivals begin around 10 AM and departures usually wrap up by about 2:00-2:30.  Wouldn't it be amazing if drivers knew that when they came to the Maryland Zoo, a reasonable, tasty and healthy lunch option awaited them?  I honestly don't know of any zoo which extends such hospitality.

The other major feature would be an expanded sidewalk area where students could disembark to, organize and wait for their turn to enter the zoo.  This would be a tremendous upgrade in keeping the transition from buses to zoo un-chaotic and safer.

SOME OF THE COMPONENTS to this part of section 1 in greater detail:

A) The Secure Perimeter Fencing would be designed to look a little retro and compliment the historical design elements that remind guests of the zoo's provenance in the later half of the 19th century, only with state-of-the-art security elements embedded.

B) Guard Huts would all be replaced, and the number expended to provide the widest possible range of options when maintain security and guest and animal safety.  Each would also contain a powder room for the convenience of the staff.
E) Restrooms for Bus Drivers would be Mens and Womens and include a covered entrance with a drinking fountain.
G) The Hospitality Hut with its self-serve pre-made lunch options.  Once completed, schools would receive information about the service provided and be asked to convey this information to their bus drivers.  Additional, an announcement would be sent out to all of the regional carriers that routinely handle school field trips.

I) Reunification Pavilion.  Pavilions are found all across Druid Hill Park.  The addition of this pavilion would aesthetically fit in, and would provide the final link to a successful field trip experience by provided groups with an easily recognizable, designation location at which to reunify before departing.

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