Friday, June 28, 2019

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History: Hall of Fossils, part 1

The hottest ticket in town (even though it's free!) vis a vis museums this summer is the newly renovated Hall of Fossils at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History down on The Mall.  The old Hall of Fossils been closed to the public for over five years as the space underwent a multi-million dollar redesign.
If you've followed this blog at all, you know I love maps and floorplans of all kinds.  No surprise then, that I will organize my pics from this visit around a series of gallery maps that I created for this purpose.  The areas are roughly approximated from my memory of the visit.  I make no claim of strict accuracy; however, if you were to visit, you wouldn't notice any glaring errors I am confident.
The graphic throughout ought to win some award all on their own.  Attractive, interesting, and current.

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