Saturday, June 22, 2019

Maryland Zoo: Renovation, The Reticulated Giraffe

The Maryland Zoo is home to 4 Reticulated Giraffe.  The bull is Caesar, there are two adult females, Kesi and Anuli, and one adolescent female who was born at the Maryland Zoo, Willow.  The upgrade no only increased the size of the Giraffe's habitat, but more importantly for the safety of the animals, regraded the entire area to minimize and largely eliminate the slope.  Because Giraffe are not evolved to reside in hilly areas, before there was always a risk when the grass was wet that the animals could slip and injure themselves. 

Like people, the giraffe have personalities.  Caesar is outgoing and has taken to the new space well.  Kesi and Willow have demonstrated curiosity and openness to the space, but Anuli has been more reticent to move into the space.  The herd mentality in giraffe is very strong.  Therefore when Anuli doesn't want to leave the barn, Kesi and Willow tend to remain in her company.  Only Caesar was out and about.  And he was quite taken with a "tether ball", one of the enrichment items incorporated in the new design.  To the extent that one can image a giraffe having "fun," he certainly gave the impression that this play was enjoyable.
About 30% of the newly leveled habitat space.  The structure to the left is the Lion Pavilion, and the the red roofed structure on the right is part of the new African Elephant habitats.

 Caesar versus tether ball... He sizes up his opponent.  He knows he's got this.  With precision and patience, he maneuvered the blue ball to the top of the pole and held it there by resting his chin on top. lifting his head back, the ball drops and he cocks his head to watch it bounce.

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