Sunday, November 11, 2018

B & O Railroad Museum: the Roundhouse

From the area of the museum with the smaller galleries of models and artifacts you enter into the restored Roundhouse.  It's hard not to be impressed!  And what a perfect set up for the display of trains, right?

There are a range of steam locomotives here that span the time from the inception of the railroad through the Civil War.  Most of the trains can only be seen from the outside, but a few have been fitted with ramps to allow you to actually go inside.  Many are surrounded with staging that includes manikins in period costume.  There is also a children's exploration area and a little train themed Marry-go-round.  You'll notice how much the Civil War is emphasized here, which continues a theme from the previous galleries.

There is also a little waiting area for visitors who have purchased a ticket to ride on an actual train.  A couple of times during each day of the weekend, a train will offer visitors a ride out about 2 miles and back again from a platform just outside of the Roundhouse.  It costs extra and I've ridden plenty of trains in my life already.

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